Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Under the weather

Today, I woke at 6:50 a.m. well no, actually i think you actually have to fall asleep to wake up. 6:50 is when i got up though. My doctor's office has walk-in appointments in the early morning. Last night i worked until closing time and we were far busier than an average day. To make things worse i was feeling ill. By the time i got home at midnight i knew i had a fever. the walk from my car to my house was unbearable. Inside i finally got to a thermometer, now i wait, soon enough i hear the beep, beep, beep and look down at the device in my hands. Great! i have a 102.3 fever. I walked into the doctors office assuming that i have influenza, i was happy to learn that all i have is a sinus infection. while preferable to the flu, it still hasn't been fun let me assure you.

One blanket on, two blankets, two blankets and the space heater that my sister thoughtfully brought up from the basement. Clearly the fever had me tossing and turning, i probably flipped my pillow to the slightly colder side and back again at least 30 times. Finally i just admitted at 4 something in the morning that it simply wasn't going to happen, i wouldn't get any sleep. I gave up, i went to Netflix and put on White Collar. it really isnt the greatest show but that was kind of the idea. even then i was holding on to hope that i might still sleep. This was not at all helpful in reality because for some reason the show seemed far more entertaining than i had remembered. In the end i never did fall asleep but i did learn quite a bit about art fraud and forgery thanks to USA network and White Collar.

Antibiotics and steroids will have me up in no time and i am just happy i don't actually have the flu. There is a really good chance tomorrow will be a better day than this one. I guess i have that to look forward to

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