Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Imitation web diary

I hate getting up in the morning. Yeah of course there's  that saying "early bird catches the worm" but, come on even birds know when its way to early. "Ain't nobody got time for that" 

I hate leaving my pillow, my soft pillow, that cools my face from stress of school and work. It's so completely lame. Especially if your that person that has trouble sleeping it freaking sucks. Not only that everyday has a pro and con to it unless your that person that super lucky. If so cudos to you

I hate waking up from sleep to start the day with some idiot that can't drive, get the parking spot furthest from the elevator, or walking in the freezing cold air the Nebraska serves you with a side or 500 mph wind. Like really, I didn't sign up for this. 

The best part of the day is taking a shower and going right back to heaven, in which, we call sleep. 

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