Friday, February 7, 2014


YOYO. Hi. Hey. How's it going?

In case you didn't already know, adderall is the number one cause of insomnia. Just kidding. Don't believe that. You're stupid. But when this magical pill is mixed with documentaries and laughter; good luck with getting a full 8 hours and 4 minutes of sleep. I'm prescribed to the counter pill so I'm legally okay to write about it. How many hours of sleep did you get last night?? The typical response: Oh. You got 7 hours and another hour. I'll sleep when I'm dead.

But really. I have learned I need at least 6 or 7 hours of sleep to fully function on a regular day. You know, like a normal human. Don't kid yourself, I'm still not normal. I am still a bit loopy. Trying to function on two hours of sleep is like trying to watch Billy Madison without crying of laughter.

Today was a great day. Husker Hoagies had chicken tortilla soup and the world was finally okay again. I know I should never admit to this but I learned it is not always about how much sleep you get or whether or not they don't have your favorite soup at the nearest convenience sandwich shop in your dormitory or if you have or if you're fighting with a friend or a roommate or a close relative, rather, it is about the memories you make with people and the relationships you build.

Last night may have been a rough night to wake up from or walk away from if you are one who doesn't believe in sleep. But my school work was finished and I made a memory off one simple night with the people I admire most. Humans.

"Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in awhile, you could miss it."
  - Ferris Bueller

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