Monday, February 10, 2014

Claire Salem's Diary

6:40 My alarm goes off.
6:43 I get out of bed.
6:45 I am ready to go to the gym, but contemplate going back to sleep. In the end I decide that I need to go so that boys will like me.
6:57 I arrive at the gym.
7:45 I leave the gym because I am bored and don’t want to try anymore.
7:53 I arrive home to quickly change and shower.
8:26 I share a bagel with the trash can and decide to indulge myself in a waffle.
8:31 The waffle is gone and I’m a sticky mess.
8:34 My hands are still covered in syrup because I don’t want to move.
8:40 I have to walk to class in -17 degree weather. My only motivation to go is that after my classes I can eat mac n’ cheese and hot dogs.
8:53 I arrive and make my grand entrance to the back row.
8:56 I fall asleep before the professor arrives.
9:47 I am awoken by a thud. My professor threw a book at me because he was sick of my disrespect.
9:51 Class is dismissed and I am still disoriented.
9:52 I take my first steps towards the door and trip and fall.
9:53 I arrive in my next class. Its one room away in the same building
9:54 Time for another nap.
10:32 I wake up. Finally well rested.
10:33 The TA calls on me. Thank goodness I woke up.
10:50 My last class of the day is over. I walk out with a grin like a Cheshire cat.
10:51 A cute boy opens the door for me. Do you think we’re going to get married?
11:07 I arrive at the dining hall. N-Card in hand.
11:09 Extreme internal breakdown because the mac n’ cheese and hot dogs are gone.
11:12 I settle for a bowl of meatballs.
11:14 I gather my unique array of foods (meatballs, cantelope, meatballs, peanut butter, meatballs, and a banana) and head to my table.
11:15 Second internal breakdown within 6 minutes. All the booths are full.
11:16 I sit at a table.
11:21 The meatballs are gone and I am sad.
11:43 I return to my room to watch Gossip girl because I’m #basic
12:25 One episode ends. I watch another.
1:08 Netflix hypnotizes me. I have no choice. I must watch more gossip girl.
1:50 My roommate returns. I act like I just started watching gossip girl so I can watch three more episodes without being judged.
3:56 I set my computer down and decide to stop watching gossip girl.
3:57 I make the decision that I need one of those girly, fruity drinks from Starbucks so that people think I’m cool.
4:09 I get to starbucks and pick my seat. Another girl, also getting a hip drink, is encroaching on my territory.
4:10 I plan my attack.
4:12 My plan falls into place. I get my drink and leave. (I’m a coward)
4:56 I’m cold. I just spend 40 minutes in my car so that people don’t think I’m a loser for going to Starbucks and not enjoying the pleasant white-girl atmosphere.
5:02 I return to my room and act like I just had the best experience ever because I would be judged if I didn’t enjoy Starbucks.
5:04 It is time to get on my social media sites and tweet and make status updates that make my life look pathetic so that people feel bad for me and invite me to socialize with them.
5:09 I decide on the tweet “My dog is my bestfriend #lolz” That will definitely make people want to hang out with me.
5:13 I decide not to update my status because cool people don’t use facebook.
5:17 I begin to wait for people to text me.
7:56 Still waiting for someone to text me.
8:01 I decide to take matters into my own hands.
8:07 I tweet again.
8:09 I choose to tweet “No one loves me! Someone tell me I’m pretty. #lol #jk #notreally”
8:54 No one has texted me
9:03 It’s time for bed. It has been a grueling day.

12:47 OK. For real this time. I am done with Gossip Girl and its bedtime.

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