Tuesday, February 11, 2014

This is a problem..

       OK so here's the deal.. So getting a job is supposed to be the first official step to adult hood right? Then why the hell do I feel like office drama is wayyy worse than high school drama? I mean there are grown ass women acting like freaking children. So let's start at the beginning. So one Sunday, we're just chillin at work having a good time when my coworker Steph, decides she wants to rant on and on about how another coworker, Rudi was a bitch to her and is "RUINING HER LIFE". The rest of us are sitting there thinking," What the hell? You stupid drama queen"??? Until she tells us the full story: So Rudi decides she wants to hook Steph up with this random guy. Nothing serious, just a guy. So him and Steph start talking and they decide that they both just want sex. No big deal. Its just sex. So they set a date, and here comes mother nature. Damn it!! No sex for Steph. So she's supah bummed out about it and she texts him, "Hey, Cnt do this wknd, unless you want to part the red sea" "hint hint". So he's just like ok, no big deal and tells Steph that he's in love with Rudi. Only problem... Rudi's got a boy friend!!! So this guy and Rudi start hanging out and they make a video. So dude's got the camera out and he's like " So, Rudi who are we sending this to?" And do you know what this chick says?! "Hey, Steph at least I'm not only my period". And guess who gets that video, STEPH!! If I was her Rudi would've been laid out in the street.
      So we're all sitting here listening to this like" why the hell didn't you kill the bitch?" Steph's just like "I thought we were friend like what the fuck?!"  And all eyes drift over to Rudi, who is sitting over in the corner, flirting with a married man like a little slut. So by now the entire office knows about this unfortunate event, but it only gets worse. We get sent home because the systems are down and the company can't pay for overtime. Bull crap! So we decide to go to lunch and just hang out as friends because we never have a week end off. We end up at B-Dubs and we all wanted to sit together.... Or that's what we thought but Rudi had other plans. She got her little posse together and sat in the back away from everyone and pretended like they all went to the movies. She told her people to turn off their phones and ignore all of our calls. BTW, Rudi is only eighteen. Her minions are like twenty- two and up. Anyone else see the problem here?? How the hell are they letting a child( Which she is still a child by Nebraska law) run them like their her bitches? Ain't no way. So, She's sitting there hiding and talking about Steph, and not just about the period thing. Rudi had the nerve to start talking about Steph's family and their pet Raccoon's like they are uncivilized nut bags. These people in her posse are supposedly Steph's friends too, but did any of those fartnobbers say anything?? Nope, they just sat there.
      After lunch we decide to go to the Women's Expo and Steph gets a call... It's Sarah, one of Rudi's grown ass minions, calling Steph to tell her what Rudi said. So the next Saturday, Rudi finds out and goes completely off on Sarah, and she lets her do it. A GROWN ASS WOMEN LETTING A CHILD GO OFF ON HER?!!?!? She should've been bitch slapped to Timbuktu. But no, Sarah just sits there. Hurt by Rudi's piercing words. So Sarah goes moking around the office all day because she got her feelings hurt. But thats not all, Rudi then texts Steph and is like, " I have no idea whats going on. I hope we can still be friends"
Thats not even half the story, but my fingers are tired.... I wonder what Paris is like in the spring time  

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