Monday, March 31, 2014


In his essay, Robert Putnam described the new age of digital communication as disengaging and bad for communities as a whole. However, while the landscape of communication has changed, I do not believe that the quality has followed suit. Following Lincoln Dahlberg’s stance on digital communication, I believe that the networked age provides new opportunities for communication. Dahlberg’s essay provides his audience with the different forms of participation in digital communication: liberal individualist, deliberative, counter-publics, and autonomist-Marxist.

nongmo.jpgThe liberal individualist position involves transmitting information between various individuals and requires the audience to already know the information involved. It is often used for decision making. An example of the liberal individualist position is the non-profit group called “The Non-GMO Project”, which aims to bring awareness to the presence of harmful chemicals used by large food corporations. Though many people are aware of GMO’s, not everyone fully understands them or decides to take a stand against the use of them. This non-profit is designed for individuals that are well-versed in the topic of GMO’s and would like to do something about it.

Anonymous.svgThe deliberative position is defined as developmental process of using the internet as a public forum. The forum leads to a public opinion, which then leads to a consensus and an online conversation. This position is used on controversial and two-sided topics such as gay rights, abortion, healthcare, and on. It requires an issue that draws people from multiple points of view online to discuss and persuade others to their point of view.

The counter-publics position views the internet as a place of activism and protest. Not only is the internet a place to voice your opinion, but it has now become a viable medium to which you can launch your argument. Electronic civil disobedience and culture jamming are two terms that relate to the counter-publics position in their way of disrupting the normal flow of the internet. The group “Anonymous” is famous for hacking websites and organizing internet ‘sit-ins’ in the name of what they view as truth. They are often involved with protecting government hackers and supporting revolutions in other countries via the internet.

Finally, the auto-Marxist position is described as digital communication that enables self-organizing, inclusion, and participation. I believe that this is the most effective form of digital communication because it works outside of the government and allows masses of people to become involved. Information is shared openly and available to all. An example of this that was poorly executed would be the Occupy Movement, which failed because of a lack of leadership and vision for goals. However, the TOMS shoe company is a very successful example of auto-Marxist communication. Shoes are available to be purchased online by anyone and the company clearly states that by buying a pair of shoes, the individual is also buying a pair for someone in need in a foreign country. The availability and level of participation is what makes the auto-Marxist position the most effective.

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