Monday, March 31, 2014

Digital Democracy-Amber Robinson

Between, Robert Putman, and, Lincoln Dahlberg,  point view on the digital democracy, I believe that the Lincoln Dahlberg had a more convincing agreement for the four different positions. In each of the four different positions of the liberal-individualist, deliberative individualist, counter-public, and autonomist Marxist. Dahlberg at the beginning of his abstracts he states, “to aim is to draw attention to different understanding of what extending democracy through digital media.” He did that exact throughout his article.

As liberal-individualist provides information about a specific topic that may be important at the time. Also, there will be groups that will be assembly by people all over the world that believe in protesting against that specific topic. One of the examples that, Dahlberg, suggests is Avaaz. On this website demonstrates how someone could start their own petition, the different stories that going on throughout the world. Currently there are 34,458,442 people that are involved world-wide a member of Avaaz. Even Avaaz website states, “Avaaz is the campaigning community bringing people-powered politics to decision-making worldwide.”

To me this first one that convinced me about, Dahlberg, article, because right there at that website gave the perfect example how liberal-individualist can be used to the advantage of digital democracy. This website was designed for people to step up and make decisions, just as, Dahlberg stated in his article, “liberal-individualist effective transmission of information and viewpoints between individual and representative decision-making process.”

Even though, Dahlberg talks about deliberial individual, he mentioned later in his article about the counter-publics being more affective subject. An example of this is cycle lane that used in class. This video brings about a serious matter for bicyclist, however, the producer is able to turn the video into a way that brings the point across in a funny matter. Once this video was able to go viral, the video was able to spread and people started to “ride for lane.”


With this one video being an example of counter-publics, Dahlberg, states in his article that, “further action that is happening with the digital media it has strengthen the voice of alternative, marginalized or otherwise oppressed groups.” I believe this is true, because having one voice of alternatives that can be done raises the groups that will do something for the issue, thus once again the digital democracy support with Dahlberg article.

Finally, Dahlberg, talks about autonomist Marxist in his article stating, “A sense of self-organized and inclusive participants in common productive activities that by pass centralized state and capitalized systems, which are understood to be necessarily anti-democratic and has common network.” By, Dahlberg, stating this in his article shows a well example about autonomist Marxist, because an autonomist is meant to be a group that is formed, but has no leader, because this group is meant to be as one body of people.


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