No Woman No Drive
On October 26 2013, social unrest stirred as women across the country within Saudi Arabia collectively protested the ban on female drivers. Women participating in the protest would make videos of themselves driving to the store or other locations, and then would post them on YouTube as a means of protest. Despite the ban, women that participated within the protest were rarely punished more severely than receiving a warning. Many Saudi's supported the cause, however others were outwardly not as supportive.
Although there were many videos posted that day as a form of protest, one video used within the protest had a completely different approach to this serious political issue: humor. Arab American comedian and actor Hisham Fageeh was responsible for such a video, which was posted on October 26th; the same day as the protest.
The video can be seen here:
With 11,000,000+ views, this parodic video of Bob Marley's "No Woman No Cry" had become viral globally. However, reactions to the video within the comments section seemed to be mixed. Some people who had watched the video clearly failed to realize that the video was riddled with irony. Albeit Fageeh using his beard as an instrument, his words rang true for the opinions of some prominent men within Saudi Arabia. Not only that, but those who didn't watch the video completely also seemed to be confused. Luckily, the comments section became a place of clarification and discussion about the video's topic.

Through the use of humor, this video effectively garnered global attention for the issue and had a large influence over many people's opinions by ridiculing the undesirable words of those against the issue.
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