Friday, January 31, 2014

Bryce Anderson - Language used to mold society

Language is used to mold our social reality.  Even in music, the way media portrays artists selects many words that may reflect negative ideas about an artist and reject the many positive ones that are actually present.  J. Cole is a prime example of an artist who the media takes and portrays in a negative spotlight that takes away from his many positive features.  It seems that a lot of our language is affected by the way the media actually portrays it.
Much like the example used in class about Richard Sherman being called a “thug” also resembles many of the rap artists who fill the music industry.  Rappers such as J. Cole are often times seen negatively through his music about drugs and killing.  Many people misunderstand J. Cole’s work because it’s labeled with the “rap” genre of music, but sends a very different message than what people actually expect.  For the simple fact that J. Cole is in the rap genre, much like Richard Sherman, J. Cole is labeled as a “thug” by many people.  Many people select this word for J. Cole because they feel he negatively affects society through his music.
            What is reflected by this term “thug” is that he harms society through his music about drugs, killings, and negative view of women.  Through this term J. Cole is seen very negatively from his music. 
The things that are rejected from this term thug is the fact that J. Cole is very educated.  J. Cole actually graduated from St. John’s University on an academic scholarship.  Additionally many of the messages through J. Cole’s music are misunderstood because he’s labeled in the rap genre.  Many of J. Cole’s songs are about drugs and killings, but it’s not about participating but instead trying to end these situations.  What’s reflected from the media is that J. Cole had grown up through poverty and seen many members of his family addicted to drugs.  J. Cole is proud that he was able to get out of poverty, not through selling drugs or other illegal activities, but through his hard work in academics and then later music.
            This example proves that language is used to mold our society.  Media heavily uses language to change people’s perceptions of not only things, but other people.  J. Cole isn’t recognized for his charity work, but instead his explicit language used in his music.  This is a problem in society that should be recognized more often.

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