Sunday, April 27, 2014

Final project

Kenya Moody

Rape Culture
I believe that rape culture should be eliminated from our society. Athletes or celebrities, even people with just a high social status or wealth, get of for crimes mostly like rape against women with a slap on the wrist.The rape culture in America is looked mostly at it being the victims fault. Crime like this occurs, often, most time the women are asked questions like what were you wearing, were you drinking, or what they have done to cause the assault. Never questioning the attackers choices at all. There are some people out there tat believe rape culture does not exist because, they aren't recognizing it but, the Rape culture in American has almost became a public norm and is even being explained as a normal inevitable and I believe the rape culture is responsible for why men today are getting away for crimes like this. Rape culture has a lot to do with sentencing time. Referring to my last sentence, as the culture being a normal inevitable, jurors in court cases don't recognize it either, which I will began to explain later in this essay.
I decided to do my claim on this topic because the culture of it is getting less recognized day by day. The culture hasn't evolved at all especially for
"important" people. People that we see as athletes or idols, we often think things like this that happen to them are often common mistakes, that aren't taken seriously or looked at as serious crimes. In, specific rape cases attractive defendants are less likely to be viewed as guilty than unattractive defendants. We often blame the women's background or say, "she was asking for it," giving the crime and excuse for why it happened. Today it is getting more and more recognized by me, how the publics ignorance over someone social status means that these crimes cause by a person like that can do five to no years at all when it comes to sentencing. Not to mention the distractions that takes place when trial cases like this happens, such as, judges, jurors, and others surrounded by the case will stop at nothing when it comes to their idols.
For example of men "getting off" for crimes like this would be the Steubenville, Ohio case. Steubenville was known for there great football team so of course if anything came between that, that would be a problem. The small town got huge publicity when Savannah Dietrich had been a victim of rape at a party and also a victim to social media when she was past out and Trent Mays and Malik Richmond fell suspect to raping and having everyone at the party take picture of her naked. Not only did the 16 year old girl get raped and taken pictures of, she also had gotten peed on by the boys.During the whole trial they
really never talked about the victim or at least mentioned their name. Even when you google the Steubenville trial, its all about the boys and from my research I didn’t even see her name or sometimes her even mentioned, just saying "rape case" on websites. The boys were recognized for their great athletic skills in football being only just a sophomores. So that's why when they went to trial, after seeing the video, pictures and other evidence of that night, the judged ruled out that they just get one year in jail. Which, by the way they got out early so they didn't even finish there sentence anyway. This story got huge media but, also reminded other of the Big Dan's gang rape that happened 30 years earlier in New Bedford, Massechutes. It's similar to the Steubenville case because in Big Dan's Tavern she was raped on a pin ball machine with bystanders watching and cheering. No one had called the police for two hours. Well, that was back in 1983, so really the only thing that has changed this time, and not for the better, is that bystanders that were involved in the Steubenville case had cell phones and took pictures of the girl naked.
Discrimination shows a big part in rape cases also. Jurors judged non-celebrity black defendants more than white defendants accused of the same crime (Shaw and Skolnick 1995). People's perspectives about rape are influenced by race and celebrity status and by there own gender as well. Judges have
historically been harsher on the defendants that have raped white women than black women (Field 1979). Of course, when the defendant is black and the rape victim is white, the punishment is always serverley. Kind of like that movie Rosewood, where in 1923, all the whites and blacks got along until white women was having sex with a black man but, got caught and yelled rape. The all the whites started a riot and killed 2,000 blacks in Rosewood. Even though it was a false accusation, the punishment was still severe and resulted in that. I feel no matter how far we advance in the years there are always going to be racist out there and laws that a racially discriminated, won't changed unless everyone recognizes it.
The Rape Shield Law was used when Kobe Bryant was accused of raping a nineteen year old hotel clerk. After she accuse Bryant of the rape she got a huge amount of publicity. Her name, phone number, yearbook photo, email address, ex-boyfriends, etc., was released to the public and the internet. Many public images like t-shirts, tank tops, and coffee mug feature derogatory images and words like "whore alert" and "lying bitch" that also displayed her doing sexual positions on Bryant. The accuser's mom went to trial again and that’s when they established The Rape Shield Law to protect rape victims personal life and sexaul
past at court, disclosing and private information about the accuser's personal life (The Privacy Protection for Rape Victims Act).
I believe with all the evidence collected and witnesses that take place in cases like this should reconsider the judges perspective when it comes to rape case like this. Jurors perspective also towards the victim is judged when the victim had reportedly been drinking, using drugs, and there character traits have been a complaint, such as they were "carelessness" and there gender role behavior. Even though, yes sometimes rape can be a hard thing to prove because, you can't just go off little vaginal tears, most evidences is pointed towards servre cases in tearing and bruising sometimes depending it you were drinking or not etc. Finch and Munro discovered that jurors rely on social convention meaning women who drink and flirt with the man cannot complain for the man's actions to want to engage in intercourse. Why do we blame women for the rapist in our world? When you go to a party, you always hear, "Don't get raped," when really it should be "Don't rape." Our society tends to blame victims because people are afraid of what hey don't know. They always expect that there is a reason behind rapist wanting to do this when there isn't guys just don't see the consequences when they are in heat of the moment. Being promiscuous is the number one excuse for rape victims', which doesn't make sense to me at all. It shouldn't matter if you’re
a hoe or not, you don't deserve to be violated that way. I understand that yes, there are common sense thing like, going to a athlete's room at 3 a.m., when obviously he's not going to want to watch a movie around that time. Not saying that what he/she did or felt like they were obligated to do it right.
Every rape victim needs a support system. I have a personal story that my friend/former co-worker told me happen to her, here in downtown Lincoln. I believe a guy had spiked everyone's drink including the bartender but, he must of saw my friend about to faint because he drove her somewhere and the last thing she remembers is her waking up with bruises on the inner sides of her legs. I was shocked and my reaction to her was trying to stay calm and ask her if she remembered at least what he looked like and if it felt like she had sex at all, but, it was all a blur. It just sucks how in many situations, guys are getting away with that because really there's nothing that you can do but, raise a awareness for it and making it more recognized.

Friday, April 25, 2014

Final Project

Here's the link to my website and twitter page:

Anika Top- Digital Media Campaign

Here is the link to my page:

final project-Amanda Zhang

about my final project, i created an interview video. i post on youtube as unlisted. here is the link

also, i found those very interesting and representative channels on youtube that about asian american and asian culture.
wongfu production
the fung bros
justkidding films

Final Projecct (Saving one Hoof at a Time) --Amber Robinson

Kieran Kissler's Final Project


Maggie Reynolds, Tommy Hoenshell, Amber Jacobsen, & Jackie Tvrdik

YouTube video:

Twitter account:

Twitter account symbol:

Final Project - Jesse Barlean

There she be.

Final Proj

The viral campaign I decided to create dealt with the legalization of marijuana.  Recently a Denver husband killed his wife and had taken marijuana before her murder.  Nancy Grace, who is known for her debate show on television, went to twitter to express how she felt about the situation.  Nancy Grace tweeted multiple times putting all of her blame on marijuana which was taken by the husband before the murder.  Nancy Grace’s last tweet about the topic quotes “How many people must die before this stops?! #PotToBlame?”  After Nancy Grace was done blaming marijuana and not the real situation behind the cause of the murder, actor Seth Rogen took to twitter and replied to Nancy Grace.  Seth Rogen replied to Nancy Grace saying “@NancyGraceHLN you are a f***ing dumbass.”  After Seth Rogen replied to Nancy about her over-exaggeration about the dangers of marijuana, many people took to twitter and used Nancy’s #PotToBlame hash tag as a way to capitalize on her mistake.  Individuals would go to twitter using this hash tag to tweet harmless effects of marijuana.  Examples of this are where people would speak about enjoying a really good morning breakfast and then putting #PotToBlame in the tweet.

Link to twitter account:

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Final Project

you tube video link:

Gaby's Final Project (ChangeItU)


Twitter page:

Note* youtube video is on website!

I got the idea for my topic after listening to a speaker at the lied center during greek week. He was talking about the lack of diversity that colleges have and how it's sad that it's still a problem. He also touched on the issue of racism that occurs often on campuses and how both of this problems needed to stop, and it was our job as the students to change it. I really wanted to contribute to the cause so I decided that this could be my way of spreading the message. Even though I know I won't reach a ton of people, I still got to show you all as my class and some of my friends as well. I decided to make a webpage that included a youtube video on the home page made by me and then three separate pages that explained my topic, gave my contact info, and provided a call to action.
YouTube video link-

Instagram @ notwhatuthought

Ava Clarke's Viral Campaign: The Shadow Children- Prison Reform in America #ShadowChildren #AbolishIncarcerationNation

Facebook Page can be located here:
The Shadow Children also may be contacted through their Email:
Or their Google+ account
Or their YouTube account
Exclusive interview with Frances Kaye:

Like, Follow, and Share to spread awareness about this issue!

How to Help:

~Contact your local representatives and voice your concerns about the issues within the prison system...
~Volunteer within the prison system

Volunteer Organizations in the US:

~AVP (Alternatives to Violence Project)

Volunteer in Nebraska Prisons:

~AVP (Alternatives to Violence Project)

~Nebraska Department of Correctional Services

Who to Contact in Nebraska:
Senators of Nebraska: Deb Fischer and Mike Johans

Deb Fischer:
P.O. Box 83287
Lincoln, NE 68501
Phone: 402-742-0084

Mike Johans:
Office Information:

Contact us:

~Send us a message on Facebook
~Email us at:
~Visit our YouTube Page:

James Butler-Gruett's Final Project: #ClassItUp Campaign

Check out live broadcasts of the Metropolitan Opera at Mary Riepma Ross Theater downtown in HD! The next one coming up is La Cenerentola.#ClassItUp
Mary Riepma Ross Media Arts Center
The Music Library is a great way to start listening to classical music at UNL! Also check out live concerts posted and hosted elsewhere in the School of Music! #ClassItUp
Music Library | Libraries | University of Nebraska–Lincoln
The Music Library is one of six branch libraries in the UNL Libraries' system. It was established as a branch in the Westbrook Music Building in 1980, in part due to the efforts of the director of the School of Music, Dr.Raymond Haggh. The...
Classical Kids publishes great, educational, and entertaining audio introductions to various composers. Great way to start, especially if you have some nostalgia involved. #ClassItUp
Beethoven Lives Upstairs
Beethoven Lives Upstairs
#ClassItUp Campaign's central thesis-type video. Watch it!
#ClassItUp Campaign
For educational purposes only. Video made for Jessy Ohl's Comm 198 class by James Butler-Gruett, to promote the #ClassItUp campaign.
Great documentary on contemporary opera singers and the Metropolitan Opera Auditions. Watch it! #ClassItUp
Documentary "The Audition" at the Music Academy of the West
Video courtesy of the Metropolitan Opera

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Counter-Public and Autonomist-Marxist working together

While I do think that continuous digital advancements distract some people and pull them away from physical relationships, I also agree with Dahlberg in that digital networked platforms has given a voice to people who could never have one. There may be less physical involvement in communities but people are getting informed faster and putting time into online communities rather than physically. I think both the counter-public and autonomist-marxist positions work well with this idea. Counter-public is basically saying that the internet is a place where the people who are normally excluded from the main identity can go and share their opinions. People can also use the internet to protest, find and connect people with the same opinion easier, and get informed on current issues as well.
A good example of where internet is a place to go to protest and inform others would be .

The website is an internet protest against NSA surveillance. The site has one main target, the FISA Improvements Act. This act attempted to legalize phone record data in bulk. The protest also supports the USA Freedom Act.

There is another website that's main goal is to give young people a voice on any social issue that they feel needs to be heard. The website is called do and they call themselves the largest organization for teens and social cause. Teens and younger voices are not listened to very often because of their assumed lack of credibility and knowledge, so sites like these gives them a chance to participate in online activism and contestation.

Continuing with the counter-public idea, there are those who have opinions that are usually shoved aside and not listened to nearly as much as more popular voices and voices with more credibility and authority. In recent years, this side of the public has had the opportunity to turn to the internet in order to make their thoughts and ideas heard. I find the position of counter-publics one of the most convincing because if you take away the internet, the people have very limited ways of participating democratically. The internet gives us endless options for contributing ideas to the public and sharing similar opinions with others. We are able to freely communicate through endless websites and educate ourselves and others. This is where I think of the autonomist-marxist position because it talks about how digital communication enables direct participation in democratic issues. Information is freely shared and open to anyone, which is helpful to people who aren't heard when trying to speak verbally about their opinions. The government is not involved and people have the freedom to say what they need to say. Both the counter-public position and autonomist-marxist positions supports the arguments of Dahlberg. The internet has opened up numerous doors for people to get more involved in their communities without having to do so in a physical way. When people feel like they are more heard, they are more willing to participate in political affairs.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

jake swanson

Visual enthymemes are basically arguments that are made through images. These arguments are not always complete. For instance they may leave out one of the arguments premises and let you as the audience member fill it in. In this way they force you to make their own argument complete which can be a very persuasive mode of argumentation.

Enthymemes are a clever way of making a point because by leaving out a premise the audience comes to the argument on their own making them more likely to change their opinions in the enthymemes favor. Now there are five types of enthymemes that we discussed in class. These are visual demonstrations, metaphors, symbols, archetypes and visual flags.

Visual demonstrations are basically enthymemes that have their own story like PETA's image of a mother holding a butchers knife with a bloody mangled chicken in her arms. This says that eating meat is like slaughtering animals.

Visual metaphors are just metaphors that are constructed and shown through imagery. Like the shotgun made of cigarettes that we looked at in class

Visual flags are essentially attention getters in images. These are typically shock based or sexy in nature. This may draw you in and then you are left to determine the argument made.

Visual symbols are basically when an image creates a symbolic argument. This relies upon a common public perception. Obama firing a gun was a visual symbol. It seemed to just be a picture but an argument was made. The arguement however is understood if context is easily found.

Visual archetypes are visual comparisons between a situation and a well known story. This was explained through the beauty and the beast picture from class where Palin was the beauty and McCain the beast.

I find enthymemes to be incredibly persuasive myself. They are difficult to argue against as they leave part of its construction to you. Today enthymemes are everywhere in the world of advertising. They are especially popular online. They are a simple and efficient form of communication